Our Work

notable partners

Our flagships projects

Safripol, Free State, ZA - Grid-tied 9.6MW PV

Huawei STS-6000K | Huawei SUN2000-215KTL | RETEC Grid Compliance

Safripol has forty-eight 215KTL Huawei inverters connected to two Huawei STS-6000K transformers. With active power, reactive power, voltage and frequency control applied to reduce the client’s consumption of utility power, this installation is the second behind-the-meter plant to conform to RETEC regulations.

Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA – 4MW Genset Integration with 4.6MW PV

Huawei STS-6000K | Huawei SUN2000-330KTL | ComAP | RETEC Grid Compliance

The client installed 4MW of genset to reduce their reliance on Eskom supply and to support their full production during grid failures. To minimize diesel consumption as well as general utility usage, full integration of active and reactive power production through fourteen 330KTL Huawei inverters were implemented, along with weather station integration for performance analysis.

Agrico, Western Cape, ZA - Hybrid 1.1MW PV & 2MWh BESS system with 1.6MVA Genset

ATESS PCS630 | Solis 110K | Deep Sea 8660MKII

Rolling Blackouts have placed a huge strain on production and operational costs, leading to the client’s requirement to upgrade their existing Genset with a hybrid PV and battery system. Our control enabled the integration of these power sources according to a custom defined philosophy that fit the client’s unique requirements and constraints. Using PV to reduce billable power for all scenarios, including generator operation. Peak shaving and arbitrage are also applied with three ATESS 630 in parallel where two 800 kVA generators are used as a last resort.

North West, ZA – Hybrid system with 3.5MW PV and 4MWh BESS

Huawei STS-6000K | Huawei SUN2000-215KTL | RETEC Grid Compliance

The integration and control of battery & PV inverters allows the client to maximize the economic benefit of their installation. Arbitrage control is applied to the 4MWh battery system through a weekly schedule, pre-defined by power analysis of the site’s load profile, with maximum capitalization of available solar power to offset the impact of charging costs. The site is the first Class-B hybrid system to receive RETEC compliance.

Hhohho Region, Eswatini – 525kVA Hydro system with 500KW PV and Load management

SolarEdge 82.8kW  | NOJA Power | Load Switching

The benefits of renewable energy are fully exploited by our clients’ Hydro and PV installation , where load management is actively engaged to switch load components depending on availability of green energy. Six SolarEdge inverters are controlled in parallel with a single Hydro system to deliver maximum renewable power while maintaining export limitation.

Third party Systems we integrate with

Your local solution in renewable solutions.

Grid Code Compliance, DNP 3.0, IEC Compliant: 60870, 61850